When birds sing friendship

Created by Saba 8 months ago

I know you as dear Delrosa Uncle!


When I was little you always brought me Delrosa rosehip syrup and you loved it! Brought with such love and joy for me and my wellbeing. You would laugh and say 'Delrosa Uncle is here!'. I was 2 or 3 but, I remember your bright, happy, face, vividly. You loved to give. And the name stayed, and Is forever in my heart.

Why Delrosa?

Later I found out that during the war, scientists realised that, rosehips have over 20 times the vitamin C of oranges. So the Ministry of Food recommended rosehip syrup and a generation of children began receiving a daily dose. So now I understand, this says so much about you.

I also found out that rosehips are an important food source for wildlife including blackbirds, waxwings and redwing. 

Over happy and troubled years you encouraged me to become an artist, always excited about what I would paint next. When you came to visit, the latest artwork would come out, and there would be a excited discussion about how good it was, how talented I was. And I felt like I had a chance, thinking I would make huge and significant works in my life. You also fuelled my passion for social justice, you contributed to my life as artist, activist that I have now become.

To say goodbye, I made you a soft pastel painting called 'When birds sing friendship'.  Like me they are little Delrosa birds. High in the night sky, they sing stories about your love and friendship, with dad, mum, all of us. 

Why soft pastel? Soft pastels are dust, and like you, comforting and gentle, and bring love to our lives. I hope little Delrosa birds bring comfort to us all.

Till we meet in friendship again, our Delrosa Uncle.

Much love,

Shafo, Fehmida, Saba, Asim, Iffat, Hannah and Amirah.



